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"African Art" Maurice Delafosse

Добавлено: 11 фев 2016, 03:44
African Art

Author: Maurice Delafosse
Layout: Baseline Co. Ltd 61A-63A Vo Van Tan Street 4th Floor District 3

© Confidential Concepts, worldwide, USA
© Parkstone Press International, New York, USA
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Preface 7
Origins and Prehistory 9
Development of Negro Civilisations in Antiquity 37
Negro Africa in the Middle Ages 55
West Africa from the 15th Century to Today 87
The Negroes of Central and Eastern Sudan 125
South Africa 147
Material Civilisations 161
Social Customs 179
Religious Beliefs and Practices 197
Artistic and Intellectual Expression 211
Appendix 246
Selective Bibliography 250
Notes 252
Index by Ethnicity 253

Скачать книгу (50 Мгб) http://muhomor.net/books/Delafosse_Maur ... can_Ar.pdf